Ice Cream Fillers

Semi-Auto Fillers

Technogem Semi Automatic Ice Cream Fillers


A semi-automatic machine for filling tanks of 0.5 to 5 litres.
The two dispensers move vertically during dosa- ge to allow the container to be filled precisely.
Variegation is achieved both externally and internally, thanks to the dispensers' special structure.
The electric control unit is easy and functional, allowing movement and opening of the dispensers to be adjusted. Height of the platform, on which the tank is placed, can be adjusted. The structure is completely made of stainless steel.


Volumetric doser for dispensing and decorating tarts, single portion ices, slices and cakes.
Variant 1000 can be used with ice-cream, custard and whipped cream.
The dispenser dosage can be regulated from 100 cc. to 1000 cc (dispenser cylinders are also available from 0 to 250 cc and from 60 to 500 cc). The machine operates pneumatically. The structure is made entirely of stainless steel. All parts in contact with the product have been approved for use in the food industry.

End products

This equipment can be used to produce the following end products:

Ice cream containers, Family sizes, Ice cream cakes